Monday, April 30, 2012

He wore pink socks.......

Okay I want to first and foremost apologize for not making a new post in a while. I have been in love land with my new boyfriend floating on a cloud but nobody wants to hear about that so lets cut to the chase of a story that happened about 7 months ago which was one of the WORST dates I have ever been on......

I will confess I found this guy online. He wrote me an email and said he knew one of my friends that was in one of the pictures with me on my dating profile. I then contacted my friend and she said she had not seen him in 7 years but he seemed legit maybe a little eccentric but nice. After looking at his picture I thought WOW this guy is so handsome and I love everything he says about himself on his profile. I then build it up in my head as I ALWAYS do and most women do and I thought to myself maybe just maybe this could be THE ONE!

Fast forward to the first date and I look out my window and see him pull up in a Range Rover. I am not a materialistic person by any means but it sure didn't hurt that he had a nice car. As I walk down the hallway to meet him outside I am beaming with excitement! I have a HUGE smile on my face that I cant hide!!! He steps out of the car and all the sudden I feel like someone had stuck a needle in a balloon and it had deflated!!! My smile turned to a look of shock! I tried to play it off but it was hard. He was about 5'3 his profile said 5'9. He looked about 15 years older than the pictures I saw and he had on a Affliction shirt with ripped up jeans and white snake skin shoes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Did I mention he had a pot belly?? What on earth would make him think he could get away with wearing that skin tight shirt???

Anyway I try to give him the benefit of the doubt and talk to him and try to get to know him. It is possible he could have a FANTASTIC personality and we can always get him new clothes! 5 mins after talking I realize that is not the case this guy is a total CREEP! Not to mention I looked down at his feet and discovered he was wearing BRIGHT PINK SOCKS!!! I asked him about it and he said that he thinks socks is a way of expressing yourself!!!!!!!

We sit down for dinner,  the waitress comes and he orders a scotch neat which means NO ICE. She comes back with a scotch WITH ICE in it. She walks away from the table and I see him glaring at the glass. He then looks at me dead in the eye and grits his teeth and says "Didn't I fucking order the scotch NEAT!?" he then proceeds to punch the table. I immediately sent a mass text to all my girlfriends whom I had told about the date "hes not the one" It gets better he then goes into detail about how HOT he thought my friend was that he knew from years ago that he saw in the picture. He said he had a huge crush on her.

About an hour into the date we had a few drinks and we sat on the patio. He begins to chain smoke and tell me about how his aunt ran over his uncle with her car but it was an accident. His eyes start to get a little watery at that point. URGH!!!!!! I couldn't take it anymore I had to END this date. I told him I was tired so he took me home and tried to kiss me which of course I declined. Needless to say I NEVER saw this guy again! After the date I went to my apartment poured myself a glass of wine and watched Sex and the City. Most women would have been bummed about such a bad date but quite honestly I could not stop laughing! I swear I feel like this shit only happens in my life :-)

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